Benefits of Houseplants in an Apartment

Did you realize that, for those of you with a green thumb, there are actually quite a few positive physical effects you can experience just by keeping a handful of plants around your home? Not just a decorating idea for your apartment, the benefits of houseplants in an apartment are numerous, and they go well beyond simple aesthetics. (Though that does play a role in your greater wellbeing.)
February 4, 2020

Reduce Stress

Just the simple act of having plants in our homes can dramatically reduce feelings of stress while simultaneously increasing feelings of well-being. They have a tendency to make us feel more at ease, providing a soothing-yet-stimulating atmosphere that has a tremendous impact on our psyches. Studies have shown that offices that are filled with plants are generally more productive and the staffs are healthier and patients in hospitals benefit from the receipt of plants, so it only makes sense that this would carry over into the home life. It’s even said that parents who keep houseplants may start to notice improvements in their children’s performance at school.

Having plants at home also changes the overall environmental quality of your apartment. Just consider all that plants do, naturally, all day long. They purify the air by reducing levels of carbon dioxide, pollutants, and dust particles. They also help to reduce surrounding temperatures while increasing humidity.

Something you may not consider is the impact plants can have in protecting you against the exterior environment. While we pride ourselves on being able to deliver to our residents a peaceful, relaxing environment to call home, this is still the City That Never Sleeps, and it got that name for a reason. Having a collection of houseplants at home can greatly help with reducing any excess noise that may find its way into your home from the hustle and bustle that is this great city.

One of the best parts of living at 363 Bond Street for any plant-lover: The soaring floor-to-ceiling windows you’ll find in every single apartment let in an intoxicatingly inviting amount of light that is both good for the soul and for keeping your plants alive and thriving while protecting your health. The benefits of houseplants and living at 363 Bond are great!